Monday, May 22, 2017

Animal Hybrid

The strongest part of my finished art piece is the zebra print on the monkey. This is the strongest part because this are is blend well and fuzz is coming out in some areas which helps it look more realistic. A part of my art piece that could be improved is the eyes. The eyes on the monkey look a little fake and unrealistic because the blending/transition of the monkey skin and frog skin around the eyes aren't blended well enough. To improve this i would actually add more of the green frog skin and then go in with a big brush that is soft. To create this work the tools i used in Photoshop include the layer mask so i could add each new animal to my original photo and the clonestamp helped me add the pattern on the zebra to the monkey. Other tools i used include the paint brush to help blend the different animals and to get rid of the parts of the animal i didn't want to use.

The easy part about this activity was collecting all the pictures of the animals. I enjoined looking at different images of animals and coming up with idea about how i would combine them all. This part was relaxing and extremely easy to do. However, the hardest part of this activity was blending the different animals together. Making the animal look realistic was really difficult because i was able to pick out so many imperfections that would bother me.

My effort towards this activity was good because i used my time wisely and was able to complete the piece on time. Also i helped out the student next to me because he didn't know how to blend the different animals together so i show'd him the brush tool and the softness tool and was able to assist him. Also i submitted all my work including my finished piece, the original images i began with, and the reflection. My craftsmanship of Editing/Quality is decent. There are some sections of my finished piece that i like and think are well done, however i do believe there are some areas that may need improvement. Lastly, my art reflection is complete and well detailed. If i could do this project again I think i would choose a different animal as my base because i feel like the monkey made it more difficult to add certain animals to it. Lastly, if i could rate my effort of this project from a scale of one to ten i would give myself a 10 because even though i got frustrated when it wasn't coming out the way i envisioned it, i still stuck with it.

1 comment:

  1. Creativity of hybrid (3 + different animals): 4
