Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Letter Form Shark

- The strongest visual area of my finished art piece is the top left of my design. This piece is the strongest because the different opacity of the letters added depth and texture to my work. Also in this section, letters overlap and face different directions which draws the viewers eyes into this section.

- I believe the visual section of my work that could be improved is the left bottom corner and the top right corner. These two sections don't contain anything other then the background color and I believe if it is wasn't just blank it may have been able to add to my piece.

- The tools I used to create my work were Photoshop, Miss. Cabral's blog spot website, Miss. Cabral's packets, and Google images (for inspiration).

- I used Photoshop by using Miss. Cabral's DI1 packet and following the directions to create my new platform. After establishing this I played around with all the different options on Photoshop. I experimented with colors, gradients, size, directions, and patterns before coming to my final decisions. I also used Miss. Cabral's student examples found on her website and Google images for inspiration. I did this by taking my original ideas I completed with a sketch and then tried adding to it in similar ways other  students had.

- The easy part of this activity was deciding how you wanted to design it. This includes color and how i wanted the letters to fall from the top of the page and into the sharks mouth. Although it took multiple tries before accomplishing what I wanted, I was able to experiment with my design and then finally decide what I liked best.

- The most difficult part of this activity was learning how to use Photoshop and being sure I followed the rule of thirds to have good composition. It took me a couple days into this activity before I felt comfortable using Photoshop on my own. Even though Miss. Cabral would show us how to move objects and change their color, I would still forget and need to be reminded. Once I got the hang of using Photoshop, this activity became much easier. Another difficulty I faced was being sure I had good composition. When I first began the activity I fell into the trap of creating a bulls eye. 

- I demonstrated effort towards this activity because everyday I came into this class I was very focused to improve my work and finish it on time. I even was able to help many of my class mates around me because some of them were struggling  with using Photoshop.  Overall, I used my time wisely and got my work done on time. My composition was good because I avoided the bulls eye and I followed the rule of thirds with the placement of my letters. My wok also is creative and original. I came up with my design on my own while playing around with Photoshop and created a unique product. I also demonstrated that i understand the technique Miss. Cabral taught us. Lastly, I have completed all the required reflection questions in complete sentences while utilizing vocabulary correctly.

- If i could do this assignment again I would do a completely different letter and design. I would want to experiment and see what my work would look like if I used a different letter and whether I would like that creation more.

- I would rate my effort of this project as a 10 because I didn't let myself get frustrated when i was confused with Photoshop and I kept working. Also i continued to stay focused on my work and attempted to create a unique and interesting design which followed all the rules of good composition.

Gabby Del Pico

1 comment:

  1. Effort: 4
    Elements/Principle Design:3.5 (change the shark to white to create contrast and balance)
    Art Reflection: 4
